From the Pastor: Vigano’s Third Letter
On October 19 Archbishop Vigano published a third letter. In it he responded to Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, the man whom Vigano had, in his second letter, begged to come forward with truthful corroborating statements and evidence about the disgraced former Cardinal and now publicly outed abuser McCarrick. Cardinal Ouellet instead attacked him without refuting the veracity of his previous letters. Archbishop Vigano’s new letter is definitely worth reading in its entirety but I want to highlight just a bit of what he stated near the end, when he was wrapping up his arguments. I find this part to be essential to the whole situation and the essence of the problems the Church is facing (or still refusing to face). Below I will comment on just a few lines from his letter. “In the public remonstrances directed at me I have noted two omissions, two dramatic silences. The first silence regards the plight of the victims. The second regards the underlying reason why there are so many victims, namely, the corrupting influence of homosexuality in the priesthood and in the hierarchy.” It is amazing that so many defenders of Francis (for that is what Vigano’s attackers are doing rather than refuting his statements), will go to great lengths to ignore the victims or to, at the very least, downplay the grave damage done to them on three levels: 1) psychologically; 2) spiritually; and 3) physically. Why is that? They ignore the psychological damage because they insist that homosexual activity is a good thing! Engaging in the sexual activity which “God made you” crave cannot do damage, they claim. These clerics cannot admit that their “non-victims” didn’t desire such perverted actions before they were traumatized by the homosexual abuse or else they lose their rationale for engaging them in such actions. (Yes, this sick thinking permeates their thought and the “blame the victim” mentality is alive and well. In fact, it thrives since homosexual clergy refuse to see their targets as “victims” at all. The sick clergy are simply “introducing” these young men to “the most beautiful way of showing God’s love”, don’t you know?) They ignore, secondly, the spiritual damage to their victims because, as I have written before, they generally have no Fear of God and no belief in hell. Lastly, they ignore the physical damage done to their victims because sodomy and the related sexual actions are just so absolutely putrid that even those who engage in them regularly cannot bear to describe them in any detail. Body parts rip apart because other body parts don’t fit. Excrement becomes a disease-ridden, sexually enticing flavor. Even the smell... sorry, I cannot go on. See what I mean? I think these few comments of mine suffice to show how “corrupting” the “influence of homosexuality in the priesthood” is, for once the cleric has started down the nauseating path of sodomy, it corrupts all of his thinking about who is victim and who is abuser, what is beautiful and what is not just ugly but truly horrendous, and what is good and what is evil. Then he does his damnedest to corrupt his victims in that exact same evil, twisted thought process and, of course, actions. Once corrupt, each corrupt cleric will absolutely cover for every other corrupt cleric, for it preserves, justifies, and increases his own corruption. After entering into this dark cabal, though they despise each other (just as demons have no capability of true love or even friendship) a sodomite cleric will surround himself with like-minded “men” for his own protection and pleasure. He will only “rat” on another sodomite as a last resort, in order to save his own skin (as the law comes down on him) or to increase his own power (by instilling servile fear in other sodomites whose immoralities he could easily expose next) or prestige (receiving accolades from the general public who are fooled into thinking that he must be a “good guy”). Vigano continued by stating that “this very grave crisis cannot be properly addressed and resolved unless and until we call things by their true names. This is a crisis due to the scourge of homosexuality, in its agents, in its motives, in its resistance to reform. It is no exaggeration to say that homosexuality has become a plague in the clergy, and it can only be eradicated with spiritual weapons. It is an enormous hypocrisy to condemn the abuse, claim to weep for the victims, and yet refuse to denounce the root cause of so much sexual abuse: homosexuality. It is hypocrisy to refuse to acknowledge that this scourge is due to a serious crisis in the spiritual life of the clergy and to fail to take the steps necessary to remedy it.” He nailed it. But how, you may ask, is this different than the (relatively few) heterosexual clergy who abuse young females? Are not clergy who break their vows of equal concern whether homo- or heterosexual? His great answer: “Unquestionably there exist philandering clergy, and unquestionably they too damage their own souls, the souls of those whom they corrupt, and the Church at large. But these violations of priestly celibacy are usually confined to the individuals immediately involved. Philandering clergy usually do not recruit other philanderers, nor work to promote them, nor cover-up their misdeeds -- whereas the evidence for homosexual collusion, with its deep roots that are so difficult to eradicate, is overwhelming.” That’s the difference between “failure” in properly ordered sexual attractions and “success” in “tendencies” and “inclinations” which are “objectively disordered” (CCC 2358). With prayers for your holiness, Rev. Fr. Edwin Palka Comments are closed.