From the Pastor: The Darkest Black Friday
Black Friday is the frenzied shopping day after Thanksgiving. Though of relatively new origin, due to our short collective memories many now consider it a “tradition” on par or greater than the Catholic religious Tradition of Christmas, for which it masquerades as a means of preparation. This activity of the sly cult of secular humanism garners huge numbers of “worshippers” who give it “full, active, and conscious participation.” People devote not just one hour to this ritual, but spend days or even weeks in advance planning how to best spend hours attending it. Gazillions of people who would never dream of attending Christmas Midnight Mass because it would be “too tiring” and “too long” will spend the entire night lining up outside the McWallyMarket on the slim chance that they might get a “deal” on the latest gizmo which promises eternal happiness. Those who complain at Mass that the church is “too hot” or “too cold” will see it as a badge of honor to camp out on the mall sidewalks in the worst weather imaginable. Those who grudgingly give a wadded up one dollar bill in the Church collection plate if and when they attend Mass, give their entire wad of money (and then dip into credit) to the merchants. While they somewhat sheepishly laugh at themselves for their foolish overspending at the store, that wadded up one dollar at the Church was given with a sneer about how “the Vatican should sell its billion dollar art collection and give it all to the poor.” Looking at Black Friday in such an only slightly exaggerated way doesn’t make it look too good, does it? Yet that Black Friday makes this coming Black Friday look Pure White in comparison. I call your attention to this coming Black Friday, January 22. That date commemorates a very dark day in our country. The black excrement of Evil spewed out of the bowels of the Supreme Court “justices” (in quotes due to the obvious lack of justice put forth by them that day) on that infamous date in 1973 when they found a diabolical way of enshrining in our Constitution the supposed “right” to murder an innocent child within his/her own mother’s womb. Let me not beat around the bush. This was the work of the devil and the Supreme Court “justices” who voted for it, those who pushed it into their dockets, and those who embraced it from that day forward even until now, committed mortal sin. They sold their souls to the devil. In return the father of lies promised gifts of sex without consequences, no more unwanted babies and the empowerment of women. But, as in all bargains with the devil, even these supposed “goods” were never fully delivered. Even in this life, the lie is unmasked and suffering is increased rather than eliminated. People who support abortion, who have abortions, who encourage abortions, who knowingly vote pro-abortion, who remain silent on abortion so as to not offend anyone, will, in a manner of speaking, (unless they have repented and received absolution) worship at a black mass this Friday, their high holy day (low, unholy night?) of “Abortionmas.” Abortion is a mockery of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, wherein an innocent, almighty Jesus humbly offers His life for us. He dies that we may live. In abortion the innocent, helpless baby is sacrificed as if this “little lamb’s” death has more power--is a more loving and merciful act--than that of the Lamb of God. Killed without giving consent, he/she dies that we may “live it up.” The baby is slaughtered on Satan’s altar (a cold steel table) at Satan’s church (the abortion mill) by Satan’s priest (the abortion “doctor”). Satan’s congregation? Just look at his supporters over the years in Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, other people of political and financial power and, of course, those who voted them in or appointed them or accepted their promises, lies and bribes. Shamefully included in the unholy congregation (and morally responsible for large numbers of those who share the smoking-hot pews) are many Catholic laity and even (God help us) clergy who refused to be (and taught others not to be) “single issue” lunatics, as if a good education or free medical care or luxurious housing (or any other promised “good”) could be enjoyed by dead babies; or who claim to be “morally opposed--but...” Pray and fast this Friday for the repentance and conversion of those lost souls who accept, promote, encourage, force, assist and perform abortion, for without God’s grace of repentance, what they do or allow to be done to the babies now will be done to them eternally in hell. With prayers for your holiness, Fr. Edwin Palka Comments are closed.