From the Pastor: The Cancel Culture
Ever since covid tyrants started demanding that we worship at the altar of The Science™ politicians, media moguls, social media owners, and others have started flexing their muscles as they discover just how much power and control they have already usurped through fear and intimidation, and are testing the waters to see how much more they can get. The social media giants, for instance, have been growing bolder in their insistence that everyone must offer incense to the idol of The Science™ and have been canceling everyone who dares to question their chosen narrative. But more and more keeps coming out about how The Science™ is not actually “science” at all but is rather a religion all its own. Recently in the news, for instance, multiple medical doctors and scientists have been openly quoted as stating that they hold such strong (religious) views regarding The Science™ that they had previously put forth false and misleading statements regarding such things as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or the possibility that the covid virus was manufactured in the Wuhan lab because they would rather get the facts wrong than give credence to President Donald Trump! Yet, after openly stating such things, I have yet to hear about even one being fired or reprimanded. They belong to the right religion, so they are not canceled, they are exalted. In the meantime, YouTube just removed a video in which Dr. Robert Malone, the man who invented the mRNA vaccine technology, discusses some of his concerns about their side effects and the CDC’s lack of true record-keeping and scientific risk-benefit analyses of the vaccines. It seems that social media knows The Science™ better than the man who came up with it in the first place. Twitter just suspended a news organization, National File, for reporting on a tweet from a woman who claimed her 13-year-old nephew died after receiving a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Reporting news that makes people question The Science™ must be silenced. And, of course, the cancel culture keeps expanding who they are willing to silence and block and censor because, well, because they can. In this article, I will give you my humble but well thought out and researched opinions on the new religion, The Science™. Unless “they” manage to somehow censor even a simple parish priest writing in his own church bulletin, you will find out just what With prayers for your holiness, Rev. Fr. Edwin Palka Comments are closed.