From the Pastor: Demonic Political Party Stances
A few years back I wrote an article which is worth printing once again, especially as so many people are praying a novena for our nation. It deals with political parties (note: without mentioning any in particular) and their members/voters. In the article I did not tell anyone who to vote for or against, yet some were offended that I warned them of eternal consequences awaiting those who purposefully choose to support any party which champions intrinsic evil. So be it. Better to offend while teaching and perhaps saving souls than make people feel good about voting/supporting their way to eternal damnation. In this year’s convoluted election, though, you still have a lot to discern beyond this basic warning. Anyway, here it is in its entirety below. There are some businesses and “social organizations” that hold values so contrary to the Catholic Faith that no Catholic may belong to them. Such organization could, perhaps, hold to other morally acceptable tenets and might even do some very good work but the evils they hold simply cannot be overlooked on account of the good. Along with that reality comes the logical correlation that if any member of such an organization were running for any public office, from dog catcher to mayor or even further up the scale, no Catholic may, with right conscience, vote for him/her, given other options. A business example is Planned Parenthood. Many worldly people gush at the supposed “good” PP does while distributing cheap contraceptives and aborting babies but no Catholic could ever volunteer at or be employed by PP without cooperating in those mortal sins. Nor could any Catholic vote for, in any election or for any office, a PP employee or staunch supporter for the same reason, if there is an opponent who does not embrace intrinsic evil. An example of a “social organization” of this ilk is the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK promotes hatred of Catholics, Jews and Blacks. No Catholic could possibly claim membership in such a club nor could any Catholic vote for a member of the KKK if one were running for any political office, even if the member was a well-known philanthropist. Should a Catholic join the Klan with the explanation, “Well, I don’t agree with their stand on certain matters but they are a bunch of good guys most of the time with whom I simply enjoy getting together and sharing a few laughs. I leave the meetings when they go on a lynching so they know where I stand on that,” nobody would buy it. A Catholic would have to basically renounce his faith to either become a Klan member or support a Klan member in an election. It would not matter what his “conscience” told him or how much he “prayed” on it. Whether brand new or generations old, if the organization’s charter puts it directly at odds with morality, especially if it officially endorses intrinsic evil, no Catholic should ever voluntarily become or remain a member once they understand what evil the organization holds out to be a “good.” Furthermore, no Catholic could, in good conscience, support a member of such a club or business in an election if a rival candidate, even if not preferable in areas open to prudential judgement, could be found who did not endorse intrinsic evil. Because this seems to me to be so very clear, it baffles me that seemingly nobody in authority in the Catholic Church will tell Catholics that same truth when it comes to organizations that are much more powerful than mere social clubs or even influential businesses: political parties. If the Knights of Columbus, a well established Catholic organization, wrote a new platform promoting embryonic stem cell research, homosexual “marriage” and abortion, no matter what else was in their charter, and regardless of their stellar past history, no priest or bishop would hesitate to tell all Catholic men to renounce their membership immediately and forbid any Catholic from joining the group, for their very souls would be in grave danger. Yet political parties have vastly more importance in the lives of us all than the K of C. How any Catholic can even belong to a political party whose platform currently holds out as “good” those just-mentioned grave evils is beyond my understanding. How any Catholic can justify supporting any candidate who belongs to such a political party is as bewildering as a Catholic supporting a KKK member or a PP director. Those who participate in or cooperate with mortal sin and die unrepentant do not go to Heaven but rather face “the eternal death of hell” (see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, especially paragraphs 1852-1869). All other political positions and means for achieving peace, prosperity and the common good are for nought if salvation is lost. For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? Pray for the conversion of politicians and voters and for holy boldness among the clergy. With prayers for your holiness, Fr. Edwin Palka
9/1/2016 05:53:20 pm
I would like to add Freemasonry to the list too.
Michael James
9/2/2016 09:20:45 pm
Father, I think your logic is completely wrong. The common good is what we should be voting for, not single issue agendas. Your articles are very provocative and at times do not reflect the love of Christ. Using your logic, if the nazis and fascists were anti-abortion, and the allies were not, an argument can be made that your thinking would justify supporting the axis powers. I pray that you will consider showing more mercy in your words and writings , and learn from the compassion and temperament of our dear pope. It is not 1962, and even then, I think our priests were much more charitable and discerning at that time.
Father Palka
9/3/2016 04:13:15 pm
Michael James,
9/4/2016 05:31:49 pm
Fr. Palka thank you for being a voice in the wilderness.
Dr Eric Williams
9/4/2016 06:46:28 pm
Fr Edwin,
Michael James
10/3/2016 08:56:59 pm
I will stick with Pope Francis' advice: "The people are sovereign. I will only say: Study the proposals well, pray and choose in conscience.”
Dr Williams
10/3/2016 10:18:20 pm
An inproperly formed conscience, Will always choose in error! Lucifer exemplified this when he chose that "I will not follow". The only "proposal" before us is life or death - The rest is politically correct fodder that always leads to sin. Christ has spoken, our lives are to be faithful & follow, not comfortably rationalise our own damnation.
Fr. Edwin Palka
10/4/2016 05:10:11 pm
Michael James,
Michael James
10/4/2016 09:01:34 pm
May the peace of Christ be with you.
Dr Williams
10/4/2016 09:17:37 pm
And with your spirit Michael. Comments are closed.