From the Pastor: Dallas, Dallas, We Love You
I have been waiting patiently--Oh, so patiently!--for the police officers mowed down in the recent terrorist attack to be canonized as happened to the “faithful departed” in Orlando. [Cue the sound of crickets chirping] Where is the compassion? Where is the adulation? Where is the fawning? Where is the money? Nowhere to be found, especially around here. When the obviously (to those with eyes to see) demonic muslim slaughtered the people in Orlando, it was a horror beyond what we are used to in these United States of America. That dozens of innocent people, not soldiers in battle, not gang members in a turf war, not slimy people who doubled-crossed the Clintons Mafia, were killed in cold blood, all of America and perhaps most of the “civilized” world, mourned. But soon, nay, immediately, the mourning turned into something disgusting: a threefold call, 1) to canonize sodomy and its proponents; 2) an absolution of both muslims and “gays” of any wrongdoing, immoral actions, or even bad thoughts; and 3) a politically correct forcing of everyone to accept, promote, kowtow to, and even bow down in worship to intrinsically disordered homosexual behavior. But when police officers are killed performing the virtuous act of protecting a hate group which was actively and at that very moment protesting them and even calling for their executions--(Pigs in a blanket. Fry ‘em like bacon)--not a peep out of the same people who seemed to have stayed up all night dreaming up ways to propagandize sodomy just a few days prior. Baseball stadiums and government buildings were raising rainbow flags after the Orlando killings. Bishops were writing with tears in their eyes after the Orlando killings. Farcebook was filled with “We stand with Orlando” messages and memes after the Orlando killings. Supposed “bigots” were seen anywhere loving people mentioned repentance, forgiveness of sin, or the sadness of dying in an unprovided for death. But when the noble but (unfortunately, as far as the world is concerned) assumedly “straight” law enforcement officers were strategically assassinated, those who were so vocal just weeks before seemed to have lost their voices and their pens. (Sorry, I am exaggerating. Some have found a voice in calling for more gun control.) It seems that something nearly as bad for worldly people (including high ranking members of the Church) as being called “homophobic” for not fully encouraging sodomy is to be called “racist” for standing up for cops. The Orlando shootings have brought to light (those who have eyes to see have seen) the absolute acceptance of mortal sin in this particular sexual area and the further absolute acceptance of Islam as a protected religion. I do not exaggerate here at all. Imagine for a minute if the same people were killed in the same nightclub, not by a “faithful” Muslim checking fb for his “acclaim” as he killed in the name of allah, but rather by a Catholic, whether faithful or fallen away, even if he absolutely denied that he was doing it in the name of Jesus. Would his Catholic religion be exonerated? Would everyone bend over backward to stress that Catholicism is a religion of peace and that we cannot hold all Catholics or the teachings of the Catholic Church responsible for his actions or for the deaths? Would imams write that it was, unfortunately, their religion which bullied this poor Catholic and stressed him out so much that he did this terrible deed because of them? Of course not. Try this next. Imagine that it was a redneck bar that was attacked by the same muslim man. Would the myriad of government and corporate offices been festooned with confederate flags as they were with rainbow flags? Would all the dogooders be wearing cowboy hats and boots in solidarity with the rednecks? Would politicians be seen on television wearing “Daisy Dukes” or chewing tobacco as they kissed up to their redneck constituents? Ha! How about, bringing this closer to home, if that muslim man shot Catholics attending a Traditional Latin Mass? Would we have seen the Papal flag flying everywhere? Would we see the outpouring of love coming across the nation as people started defending the right to worship the one true God in this most beautiful manner without having to worry about being martyred (let alone being condemned by their own co-religionists as Self-Absorbed Promethean Neopelagians)? Would millions of dollars have been donated to support the widow and eight children left behind from each of the 49 Catholic men slaughtered? You know the answer to all of these rhetorical questions, and the answers show the demonic brainwashing our society has undergone. Please pray for the stupid Americans, especially (it pains me to write this) for those who are the clueless or evil members of our Church, particularly in the hierarchy. We, as a whole, have already gone off the deep end and are heading straight for hell. May God be more merciful than we are sinful, so as to bring us to repentance and penance before it is too late. With prayers for your holiness, Fr. Edwin Palka
Rich WPB
7/17/2016 03:55:54 pm
Thanks for telling it (the unfaithful culture and the unfaithful church leaders) as they are.
Father Palka
7/17/2016 05:03:03 pm
You are welcome!
7/18/2016 10:47:13 am
God bless you, Father. You are truly one of God's own men. May your courage in standing up to the horrors of our depraved culture inspire others to do likewise, to speak the truth in love. But I won't hold my breath. The gutless and/or horribly malformed clergy will have countless souls to answer for on the day of judgment, souls who would have responded to the truth had they heard it from the lips of our shepherds. You are very much in my prayers.
Father Palka
7/18/2016 11:21:57 am
Thank you for your prayers! Please pray for those clergy who are more, shall we say, reserved, too. 7/18/2016 08:58:57 pm
Father, I recently noticed how often you talk about sodomites, gays, sodomite priests, sodomites, sodomites, sodomites! I think thou protesteth too much... What went flying under your cassock...
Father Palka
7/19/2016 06:48:22 pm
Michael, I am sorry you have such a perverted thought going through your mind. Because I am a priest, I speak and write about the many sins afflicting the world today, trying to impress upon my people the damage done to their soul should they fall prey to these demonic activities. Sodomy is a huge sin today and one which is currently being used by satan in an attempt to not only destroy individual bodies and souls but also to destroy the Church. Of course I am going to mention it often. Once it is conquered, I will cease fighting against it! The actual "sodomite priests" you mention have done wrought spiritual damage beyond imagining, especially those who preyed upon the young. But the priests who keep their mouths shut out of fear of being accused, as you have just done, of "protesting too much" have allowed, and/or by silent complicity, encouraged many, many souls to be in grave sin and perhaps sent many to hell by their cowardice. If you would ever wish to speak with me privately so that you can unburden your own soul of whatever is bothering you so much as to make such an assumption against me, I will gladly do what I can to assist you to grow spiritually.
Rich WPB
7/20/2016 09:55:29 am
Father PLEASE keep up the truth telling that you do. As you know, the "Church of Nice" has programed so many of the faithful to expect nothing but the "feel good" talk from our clergy. Thank God that you remember that Jesus told us that He came to bring not peace but the sword and that it (the truth) would cause hardship between even members of families let alone members of the Church. Jesus disturbed sinners and He told us (approx. 20 times) to follow Him. Thank you again for following Him. Comments are closed.