From the Pastor: New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions are generally pretty standard self-improvement lists people put together for themselves. Some who make such lists are serious about making several positive changes in their life, while others have no real resolve to change but make the list anyway, just because it is traditional to do so. Because I belong to that first group and have resolutely resoluted resolutions for 6 decades I have finally achieved perfection in my life. So, with nothing left to improve and, hence, no list of my own to write, I decided to look at what the poor slobs who still need such things have listed. Google, of course, led me to a huge cache of online New Year’s Resolutions from the best of sources, namely, whichever media company paid for the top spots in the search results. These lists, rather than being from real people who make the list for their own benefit, are written by Karen-journalists who love telling other people what they need to put right in their pathetic lives. The top suggested resolution from obnoxiously highfalutin taxpayer-supported National Public Radio ( was (and I am not making this up): “This year, I want to... Try something fun—Get my first tattoo.” Seriously? This is what our tax dollars are used for? I suppose it could have been worse. After all, NPR is militantly leftist so the first thing on their list could have been, “Try something fun--Get my first abortion; or, Chemically castrate my 4 year old boy and call him Suzie; or, Swoon over the man who shot a CEO.” Anyway, reading that single first resolution was enough to make me turn away from the search engine and come up with my own list. Not a list of things to better myself but, following NPR’s witless lead, I came up with a list of bad resolutions for others to do. Please don’t try any of these yourself but feel free to share them with any lefties in your circle of acquaintances. They will probably already have done most of them, so you don’t have to worry about leading them astray.
Anyway, that’s quite enough Resolutions. Seven is a good number to end on. Arguably, the first one might have been two too many! May your authentic New Year’s Resolutions be much more sensible and help you achieve great holiness, good health, and true happiness this year. With prayers for your holiness, Rev. Fr. Edwin Palka Comments are closed.